Fenomenal Funds es una colaborativa de financiadores feministas que utiliza un modelo de gobernanza compartida y financiamiento participativo para apoyar la capacidad de resiliencia de los fondos de mujeres miembros de la Red Internacional de Fondos de Mujeres Prospera.

Toolkit & Resources - Fenomenal Funds

We created this toolkit to share the process of the Collaboration Grants. It served as a powerful experience for women’s funds, and both those who participated and those who heard about it wanted a how-to guide to facilitate similar processes—and so this is our offering.

The toolkit provides an overview of each component of the Collaboration Grants process in three downloadable sets of documents:

Preparation and Planning Guidelines
Creating Space for Exploration (Discover), Co-Creation (Define), and Finalization (Refine)
Supporting, Reflecting, and Learning Guidelines

While initially designed for grantmakers, the principles and strategies outlined in this toolkit are broadly applicable to non-funders interested in supporting or developing collaborative initiatives.

We hope you find this useful as you consider how to support your partners to collaborate!

Preparation and planning 

Creating space for exploration (discover), co-creation (define), and finalization (refine)

Supporting, reflecting and learning guidelines

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