Fenomenal Funds is a feminist funder collaborative using a shared governance model and participatory grantmaking to support the resilience of women’s funds who are members of the Prospera International Network of Women’s Funds.


Declaration of Accessibility Conformity

Web Accessibility and Usability Standards

The address of our website is: https://fenomenalfunds.org/

Web Accessibility

These are the conditions and characteristics of the content provided in digital media by the obligated subjects so that they can be used by the majority of citizens regardless of their technological conditions or the environment, and including people with disabilities.


The annex defines the standards of accessibility for all people and for the autonomous and independent access of people with disabilities, mainly those with sensory and intellectual disabilities to the websites and the contents of the obligated subjects.

Declaration of Accessibility Conformity

Date of declaration: [14/11/2023] Website declared: https://fenomenalfunds.org/

Level of conformity satisfied: Level A and AA. Reference document: W3C WAI. Reference URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211

Fenomenal Funds is implementing continuous improvements on its website to provide all people, whatever their capacity, the greater degree of accessibility to their contents, thus guaranteeing both equitable access and equal opportunities in accordance with the W3C on accessibility of websites and applications in accordance with the W3C ‘s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. (World Wide Web Consortium) – Web Content Accessibility Guidelines – WCAG 2.1

Principles that guide Web Accessibility

Principle 1: Perceptible – User interface information and components are easily perceived.

Principle 2: Operable – The components of the user interface and navigation are operable.

Principle 3: Comprehensible – The information and operation of the user interface are understandable.

Principle 4: Robust – Content can be reliably interpreted by a wide variety of user agents, including technical aids.

Test and validation tools are used to examine pages at priority and action points that set “Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)” guidelines.

This statement of accessibility applies to the website: https://fenomenalfunds.org/


This website is partially compliant with the rules W3C establishing subjective AA-level conformity as mentioned below:

  1. Non-textual elements (e.g. images, diagrams, maps, sounds, vibrations, etc.) that appear on the website have descriptive alternative text that allows support tools to correctly narrate the intentionality of non-textual elements
  2. Videos or multimedia elements have subtitles and audio description as well as their respective script in text as they are available in the YouTube tool with the accessibility features provided by the tool to ensure access to information when a user has a functional auditory diversity.
  3. The text used on the website is of minimum 16 pixels which corresponds to 12 points the color contrast used between the text and the background of the general content is of at least 12.65: 1 which provides an AAA level in contrast and allows its visualization correctly and has the possibility of extending to 200% without deconfiguration of the content since the text is generated in relative measures.
  4. The programming code and content of the website is orderly, with well-used and understandable markup language without taking into account the visual aspect of the website, with an organized structure, coherent and unified identification of links (links/buttons), and with the possibility of a linear and continuous navigation with those links, including a search engine which is validated with the validation tool of the W3C
  5. Forms or information boxes correspond to well-formed forms as set by the international W3C standard and have clear warnings and instructions with various sensory channels defining mandatory fields
  6. Browsing at the electronic headquarters meets the criteria of focus order and orderly structure allowing you to browse the website with tabulation in an appropriate order and highlighting the selected information
  7. The tempo-dependent contents (slider or carousel) allow the control of movements, as well as that of blinking and timed events


  • The website has been built to be adapted on WCAG 2.1 guidelines.
  • The technologies used to build the pages are non-intrusive HTML 5.0, CSS3, and JavaScript, if applicable.
  • The website complies with the formal grammars that define these technologies.
  • A set of templates has been defined to define a navigation structure and a common style for all pages on the website.
  • Styles are defined in style sheets common to the entire website.


  • Alternative texts to images are included, if applicable.
  • Header elements are used to convey the structure of the information.
  • Consistent browsing is maintained throughout the Web site.
  • All pages contain semantic information that helps search engines find content (metainformation).


  • The website is designed for Responsive Web Design (RWD) viewing, making it optimally displayed on tablet and mobile devices.
  • These devices are optimized for viewing using the latest current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.


This statement has been prepared for the first time on November 14, 2023 at Fenomenal Funds and as a commitment will be reviewed periodically to validate and grant better accessibility practices according to the standards of the W3C and government entities corresponding to the subject matter in question.

Accessibility Compliance Review

Fenomenal Funds implemented a work plan according to the standards of the W3C.

The data from the latest compliance review of accessibility requirements are: Date: November 2023 Level: AA (on most pages) according to WCAG 2.1, compliance.


This website is intended to be accessible to all on equal terms. For this reason, your collaboration is appreciated in relation to the difficulties of accessing the information, to inform about any breach of this website or to formulate any other query or suggestion, that you can indicate through the contact e-mail with the suggestions of accessibility.

Information about accessibility?

Please contact us if you encounter accessibility problems on the website through the following communication channels: hello@fenomenalfunds.org

Contact Details


Location 1828 L Street NW, Suite 300-A, Washington DC


Projected by: David Mob

Reviewed by: Ledys Sanjuan Mejia

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