Fenomenal Funds es una colaborativa de financiadores feministas que utiliza un modelo de gobernanza compartida y financiamiento participativo para apoyar la capacidad de resiliencia de los fondos de mujeres miembros de la Red Internacional de Fondos de Mujeres Prospera.

advisory committee (15) awid (1) collaboration lab (4) Collaboration Lab Blogs (5) Collective Care (7) decolonization (11) donor collaborative (31) Emergent Learning Framework (9) English (79) Español (43) feminist (25) feminist funding (55) feminist leadership (1) feminist mel (3) feminist philanthropy (9) fenomenal funds (2) Financial Resources (5) francais (3) Française (42) french (3) funding (5) funding analysis (6) grants (8) leanring partner (1) Learning Agenda (10) Learning Partner (10) learning plan (2) monitoring learning & evaluation (12) organizational and leadership (3) participatory grantmaking (42) people (1) philanthropic advocacy (1) philanthropy (5) shared governance (33) shifting narratives (2) Spanish (2) staff (4) steerig committee (1) steering committee (1) systems and practices (2) theory of change (1) women's funds (18)
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