As part of the Fenomenal Funds Collaboration Grants (link to the intro blog), FemFund (Poland), Women’s Fund Armenia, and Women’s Fund in Georgia came together to form a collaborative on healing spaces. In this blog post, we tell you all about this collaboration and what it hopes to achieve. The work of this group is also connected to the broader theme of collective care, which is being addressed by three other collaboratives.
Tag: Español
Explorations in Transformative Feminist Leadership by Women’s Funds
This blog brings together the reflections and discussions by the women’s funds working on transformative feminist leadership as part of the Fenomenal Funds Collaboration Grants.
Paving the Way: Collaboration as a Tool for Resilience
What happens when you hardwire resilience into collaboration? In this blog post, we will share what we’ve learned about the mechanics of collaboration and what it means to pave the way for collaboration as a tool for resilience.
Co-Leads Letter: Re-introducing the Resilience Grants report
As we embark on our final year of Fenomenal Funds’ journey, we are thrilled to re-introduce the Resilience Grants report, a testament to the power of collaboration, trust, and solidarity in feminist funding.
Plan de Aprendizaje
Elaborado por: KIT Royal Tropical Institute Diciembre 2023 Tabla de Contenidos Introducción Metodología del Plan de Aprendizaje Gestión del Aprendizaje: Ética y Protección Diseminación y aplicación de los conocimientos Introducción El Plan de Aprendizaje que tienes en tus “manos virtuales” describe el camino que Fenomenal Funds está tomando para identificar los conocimientos principales y profundizar […]
Por el camino, ¿En dónde estamos en el Camino de Aprendizaje de Fenomenal Funds?
Desde 2019, Fenomenal Funds, sus partes interesadas y especialmente los fondos de mujeres que hacen parte de esta iniciativa, se han embarcado en un viaje de aprendizaje en conjunto. En este viaje se vincula el compromiso, junto a las prácticas de gobernanza compartida y la concesión de subvenciones participativa con el objetivo de fortalecer la […]
Learning in Partnership
Behind the scenes with Fenomenal Funds learning partner – the KIT Royal Tropical Institute team At Fenomenal Funds we see learning as an emergent, adaptive, and co-evolutionary process. In our experimentation as a feminist-funding collaborative, all stakeholders are interacting in a power-sharing process – responding and adapting to each other so that what emerges and […]
Feminist Healing Spaces
As part of the Fenomenal Funds Collaboration Grants (link to the intro blog), FemFund (Poland), Women’s Fund Armenia, and Women’s Fund in Georgia came together to form a collaborative on healing spaces. In this blog post, we tell you all about this collaboration and what it hopes to achieve. The work of this group is also connected to the broader theme of collective care, which is being addressed by three other collaboratives.
Alliance of Women’s and Feminist Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean: Amplifying collective voice and power to advance gender justice amid regional crises
Eight women’s and feminist funds in Latin America and the Caribbean, are working together to mobilize resources and amplify the collective power of women, feminists, LGBTQI+ organizations, and movements in the region.
Feminist Fund Database: Advanced Group
As women’s funds grow, they need better methods for data collection and management beyond what Excel offers. Salesforce can improve data management and processes but requires significant effort, time, and commitment.