Fenomenal Funds est un bailleur de fonds féministe collaboratif qui utilise un modèle de gouvernance partagée et des subventions participatives pour soutenir la résilience des fonds de femmes qui sont membres du Prospera INWF.


ON THE RIGHT TRACK (OTRT): Building networks in Latin America and Europe for democracy and human rights

On the Right Track (OTRT) is a living alliance that unites feminist funds and organizations from Latin America and Europe working for democracy and human rights. Their focus is strategic communications and narrative building, in a context marked by the rise of political and religious fundamentalism.

OTRT is building networks of solidarity, collective power, and mutual support among feminist funds and organizations to confront anti-rights backlash with narratives that promote inclusive societies for all people, marked by an antiracist, trans-inclusive, feminist, and social justice visions.

With support from Fenomenal Funds, OTRT aims to expand their horizons, building narratives and creating influential and engaging strategic communications that can reach more people. During this period, they will work with various communicators, such as feminist journalists and influencers, to build alliances that dismantle ultra-conservative narratives that threaten human rights and rewrite the future of democracy in both regions in a horizontal and collective way.

Women’s Funds in LATIN AMERICA (LATAM):

Fondo Alquimia 
Fondo Apthapi Jopueti 
Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres 
Fondo de Acción Urgente para América Latina y el Caribe
Fondo Elas+ 
Fondo Lunaria 
Fondo Mujeres del Sur 
Fondo Semillas 

Women’s Funds in EUROPE:

Bulgarian Fund for Women 
Calala Women’s Fund 
Feminist Fund Poland 
filia die frauenstiftung 
Mediterranean Women’s Fund 
Reconstruction Women’s Fund
Taso Foundation
Ukrainian Women’s Fund
Women’s Fund Armenia
Women’s Fund Georgia
Ecumenical Women’s Fund



The political positioning and influence of fundamentalism, racism, and xenophobia in Latin America and Europe have led to an increase in attacks on women’s rights, LGBTIQANB+ communities, and marginalized populations. In this scenario, the OTRT alliance is committed to action, building narratives and creating communications with a vision of defending human rights, democracy, and justice.

By bringing together women’s funds from diverse contexts, OTRT seeks to create a powerful network that can amplify the voices of grassroots organizations and challenge oppressive systems. The Fenomenal Funds grant will help OTRT expand its reach and impact, enabling stronger networks and solidarity across borders.

Le processus

The OTRT collaboration will focus on strengthening coordination among the women’s funds, identifying key actors, engaging with feminist journalists and influencers, developing regional and cross-regional communication strategies, and enhancing protection strategies.

Key activities include regular coordination meetings, hiring communication officers, creating spaces for journalists and influencers, building an inclusive communications strategy, holding cross-regional meetings, conducting regional meetings with women’s funds, and surveying protection and security strategies.

Modalités de travail
  • The OTRT coordination team, with two funds each from Europe and Latin America, meets regularly online and plans a face-to-face meeting at the end of 2024
  • Communications officers or organizations will be hired in each region to implement the OTRT communication strategy in 2024.
  • Spaces will be created with key feminist journalists in Europe and influencers in Latin America to support narrative creation in both regions over six months.
  • Monthly meetings of regional communications work groups will be held from July 2024 to build antiracism, anti-xenophobic, inclusive feminist narratives.
  • Cross-regional meetings with journalists, influencers and work groups will take place online in 2024 and 2025 to build narratives.
    Regional meetings with women’s funds will provide initiative updates through in-person meetings in 2024 and 2025.
  • A survey will establish a baseline for protection and security strategies and policies for the funds and partner organizations.
À quoi ressemble le succès ?
  • Weaving a solid network among women’s funds and allied organizations to create new narratives and communication strategies to counter fundamentalist discourses.
  • Holding regional and transregional meetings of partner organizations to exchange learnings and create political and emotional bonds.
  • Implementing regional communication strategies with the participation of feminist journalists in Europe and social media influencers in Latin America.
  • Proactively recognizing and responding to the security and protection needs of women’s funds and partner organizations through surveys and continuous exchange of documents and effective practices.
Entre les lignes

OTRT is an inspiring example of how solidarity and collective power can transcend borders and cultures. By uniting women’s funds from Latin America and Europe, we create a dynamic space for exchanging knowledge, strategies, and resources to defend justice, democracy, and human rights, in a context where they are threatened by political and religious fundamentalism.

The inclusion of new actors is important to reach broader audiences who can drive an ethical vision in public discourse and contribute to social change. Recognizing the threats faced by feminist activists, the collaboration prioritizes safety and security for its members and the communities they serve.

The Fenomenal Funds grant will enable OTRT to deepen and expand its work, allowing for sustained collaboration between the women’s funds. The support will facilitate hiring communication officers and creating spaces for journalists and influencers to develop inclusive feminist narratives.

The involvement of women’s funds from diverse contexts and the focus on balancing resources and participation reflect the collaboration’s values of solidarity, equity, and interdependence.

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