The Leading from the South Consortium (LFS) is a feminist resource alliance supporting activism led by women, girls, and trans-led organizations in the Global South. The four regional funds in this collaboration share a commitment to collective care
Tag: decolonization
Communities for Collective Care
This collaborative group is united by the goal of integrating the politics of care into their organizational policies and practices. Their motivation stems from addressing staff burnout, the need for care and protection for activists, and coping with ongoing crises. Among the five participating funds, some have started institutionalizing collective care, while others are still defining its meaning.
Feminist Organizational Evolution Collaborative: Co-creating practices to transform intersectional feminist funds to make the invisible visible
This group recognizes the inhTerited colonial and financial practices in the philanthropic sector that perpetuate disparities and oppressions. They decided to flip the paradigm on what it means to create change. This resulted in focusing on internalizing intersectional feminism and decolonization within their organizational structures, processes, operations, grantmaking, advocacy, and other activities.
Collaborative Learning on Resource Mobilization
This collaboration of six funds aims to address the lack of mechanisms for building sustainable funding ecosystems among women’s funds. The goal is to strengthen their growth strategies through mentoring, learning spaces, and meaningful engagement within the WF community.
Theory of Transformation
Our Theory of Transformation captures how we see the Fenomenal Funds model contributing to change in philanthropic ecosystems. Transformation in our case is framed by feminist values and ethics centering on the needs of women’s funds.
Notre théorie de la transformation
Notre théorie de la transformation Notre théorie de la transformation capture la façon dont nous voyons le modèle Fenomenal Funds contribuer au changement dans les écosystèmes philanthropiques. Dans notre cas, la transformation est encadrée par des valeurs et une éthique féministes centrées sur les besoins des fonds pour les femmes. Il est basé sur la […]
Nuestra teoría de la transformación
Nuestra teoría de la transformación Nuestra Teoría de la Transformación captura cómo vemos que el modelo de Fenomenal Funds contribuye al cambio en los ecosistemas filantrópicos. La transformación en nuestro caso está enmarcada en valores y éticas feministas centradas en las necesidades de los fondos de mujeres. Se basa en la comprensión de que el […]
Repenser le pouvoir pour renforcer la résilience
Repenser le pouvoir pour renforcer la résilience est un rapport qui partage les moments remarcables et les enseignements tirés de la capacité du modèle de Fenomenal Funds à perturber les relations de pouvoir traditionnelles de la philanthropie, en se concentrant particulièrement sur la façon dont nos subventions de résilience 2021-2022 ont aidé les Fenomenal Funds à répondre au début de la pandémie de COVID-19 d’une manière qui n’aurait pas été possible avec un autre type de modèle.
Reimaginar el poder para construir resiliencia
Reimagining Power to Build Resilience es un informe que comparte los aspectos más destacados y los aprendizajes de la capacidad del modelo de los Fenomenal Funds para alterar las relaciones de poder tradicionales de la filantropía, centrándose especialmente en cómo nuestras Subvenciones de Resiliencia 2021-2022 ayudaron a los Fenomenal Funds a responder al inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 de formas que no habrían sido posibles con otro tipo de modelo.
Reimagining Power to Build Resilience
Reimagining Power to Build Resilience is a report that shares highlights and learnings from the Fenomenal Funds’ model capacity to disrupt the traditional power relationships of philanthropy – particularly focusing on how our 2021-2022 Resilience Grants supported Fenomenal Funds to respond to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in ways that would not have been possible under a different kind of model.