Three funds in Asia are teaming up to explore raising funds at regional, national, and community levels. This is particularly challenging amidst rising authoritarianism and a growing anti-gender movement, which shapes narratives around gender roles. Overcoming these narratives is crucial for attracting supporters and converting them into donors.
Tag: Español
Feminist Organizational Evolution Collaborative: Co-creating practices to transform intersectional feminist funds to make the invisible visible
This group recognizes the inhTerited colonial and financial practices in the philanthropic sector that perpetuate disparities and oppressions. They decided to flip the paradigm on what it means to create change. This resulted in focusing on internalizing intersectional feminism and decolonization within their organizational structures, processes, operations, grantmaking, advocacy, and other activities.
Collaborative Learning on Resource Mobilization
This collaboration of six funds aims to address the lack of mechanisms for building sustainable funding ecosystems among women’s funds. The goal is to strengthen their growth strategies through mentoring, learning spaces, and meaningful engagement within the WF community.
Feminist Fund Database: Emergent Group
As women’s and feminist funds grow, their need for systematic data collection and management increases, outgrowing tools like Excel. Salesforce offers potential but requires effort, time, and a cultural shift within organizations. This collaboration aims to provide technical and peer support for implementing Salesforce in grantmaking processes.
Nuestra teoría de la transformación
Nuestra teoría de la transformación Nuestra Teoría de la Transformación captura cómo vemos que el modelo de Fenomenal Funds contribuye al cambio en los ecosistemas filantrópicos. La transformación en nuestro caso está enmarcada en valores y éticas feministas centradas en las necesidades de los fondos de mujeres. Se basa en la comprensión de que el […]
Reimaginar el poder para construir resiliencia
Reimagining Power to Build Resilience es un informe que comparte los aspectos más destacados y los aprendizajes de la capacidad del modelo de los Fenomenal Funds para alterar las relaciones de poder tradicionales de la filantropía, centrándose especialmente en cómo nuestras Subvenciones de Resiliencia 2021-2022 ayudaron a los Fenomenal Funds a responder al inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 de formas que no habrían sido posibles con otro tipo de modelo.
Estrategia de aprendizaje
El aprendizaje en el contexto de los Fondos Fenomenales es un proceso emergente, adaptativo y coevolutivo. Entendemos el aprendizaje como parte integrante del proceso de concesión de subvenciones, tanto en la fase de diseño como en la de ejecución. En nuestro audaz experimento de colaboración para la financiación feminista, que combina la financiación común, la […]
Explorations in Transformative Feminist Leadership by Women’s Funds
This blog brings together the reflections and discussions by the women’s funds working on transformative feminist leadership as part of the Fenomenal Funds Collaboration Grants.
Paving the Way: Collaboration as a Tool for Resilience
What happens when you hardwire resilience into collaboration? In this blog post, we will share what we’ve learned about the mechanics of collaboration and what it means to pave the way for collaboration as a tool for resilience.
The Four Outcomes
So what does it mean to catalyze change in an ecosystem? When the board of the Hewlett Foundation invited their Global and Development team (since renamed to Gender Equity and Governance) to submit a concept for a special initiative, they joined forces with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to commission research to inform the […]