Fenomenal Funds is a feminist funder collaborative using a shared governance model and participatory grantmaking to support the resilience of women’s funds who are members of the Prospera International Network of Women’s Funds.

2023-09-19 No Comments

Feminist Leadership in Organizational Development

Many women’s funds using a feminist lens are grappling with what transformative feminist leadership means. They are reflecting on internal coordination and organizing, leadership, growth, and systems. They are also linking feminist leadership to anti-racism and decolonization, committing to address these through systems, policies and processes.

2023-09-17 No Comments

Feminist Healing Spaces

Feminist activists work to overcome oppressive systems and structures. Supporting their struggle requires more than just resourcing their work; it requires support for their collective wellbeing and healing from the trauma inflicted in their fight for liberation.

2023-09-10 No Comments

Feminist Financial Resilience

Feminist financial resilience involves sustaining, adapting, and growing organizations to advance their missions using a feminist lens. This collaboration supports Women Fund Tanzania and Women Fund Z in building knowledge, skills, tools, resources, and connections for long-term financial resilience.

2023-09-10 No Comments

Feminist Fund Database: Emergent Group

As women’s and feminist funds grow, their need for systematic data collection and management increases, outgrowing tools like Excel. Salesforce offers potential but requires effort, time, and a cultural shift within organizations. This collaboration aims to provide technical and peer support for implementing Salesforce in grantmaking processes.

2023-08-04 No Comments

Theory of Transformation

Our Theory of Transformation captures how we see the Fenomenal Funds model contributing to change in philanthropic ecosystems. Transformation in our case is framed by feminist values and ethics centering on the needs of women’s funds.

2023-08-03 No Comments

Notre théorie de la transformation

Notre théorie de la transformation Notre théorie de la transformation capture la façon dont nous voyons le modèle Fenomenal Funds contribuer au changement dans les écosystèmes philanthropiques. Dans notre cas, la transformation est encadrée par des valeurs et une éthique féministes centrées sur les besoins des fonds pour les femmes. Il est basé sur la […]

2023-08-03 No Comments

Nuestra teoría de la transformación

Nuestra teoría de la transformación Nuestra Teoría de la Transformación captura cómo vemos que el modelo de Fenomenal Funds contribuye al cambio en los ecosistemas filantrópicos. La transformación en nuestro caso está enmarcada en valores y éticas feministas centradas en las necesidades de los fondos de mujeres. Se basa en la comprensión de que el […]

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