Fenomenal Funds is a feminist funder collaborative using a shared governance model and participatory grantmaking to support the resilience of women’s funds who are members of the Prospera International Network of Women’s Funds.

2024-01-31 No Comments

Searching for a Learning Partner the Feminist Way

Learning log by Shama Dossa, MEL Manager   Acknowledgement: Fenomenal Funds would like to acknowledge the contributions to the article’s analysis from the following Learning and Evaluation Working Group members: Amy Arbreton (Hewlett Foundation), Diana Medina (Fondo Semillas), Nancy Akanbombire (Prospera Secretariat), Nina Madsen (Open Society Foundations), and Zanele Sibanda (Fenomenal Funds). “Learning something is […]

2023-11-28 No Comments

Learning in Partnership

Behind the scenes with Fenomenal Funds learning partner – the KIT Royal Tropical Institute team At Fenomenal Funds we see learning as an emergent, adaptive, and co-evolutionary process. In our experimentation as a feminist-funding collaborative, all stakeholders are interacting in a power-sharing process – responding and adapting to each other so that what emerges and […]

2023-09-27 No Comments

Feminist Healing Spaces

As part of the Fenomenal Funds Collaboration Grants (link to the intro blog), FemFund (Poland), Women’s Fund Armenia, and Women’s Fund in Georgia came together to form a collaborative on healing spaces. In this blog post, we tell you all about this collaboration and what it hopes to achieve. The work of this group is also connected to the broader theme of collective care, which is being addressed by three other collaboratives.

2023-09-19 No Comments

Communities for Collective Care

This collaborative group is united by the goal of integrating the politics of care into their organizational policies and practices. Their motivation stems from addressing staff burnout, the need for care and protection for activists, and coping with ongoing crises. Among the five participating funds, some have started institutionalizing collective care, while others are still defining its meaning.

2023-09-17 No Comments

Mobilizing Local Resources in Challenging Contexts

Three funds in Asia are teaming up to explore raising funds at regional, national, and community levels. This is particularly challenging amidst rising authoritarianism and a growing anti-gender movement, which shapes narratives around gender roles. Overcoming these narratives is crucial for attracting supporters and converting them into donors.

2023-09-17 No Comments

Feminist Organizational Evolution Collaborative: Co-creating practices to transform intersectional feminist funds to make the invisible visible

This group recognizes the inhTerited colonial and financial practices in the philanthropic sector that perpetuate disparities and oppressions. They decided to flip the paradigm on what it means to create change. This resulted in focusing on internalizing intersectional feminism and decolonization within their organizational structures, processes, operations, grantmaking, advocacy, and other activities.

2023-09-17 No Comments

Collaborative Learning on Resource Mobilization

This collaboration of six funds aims to address the lack of mechanisms for building sustainable funding ecosystems among women’s funds. The goal is to strengthen their growth strategies through mentoring, learning spaces, and meaningful engagement within the WF community.

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