Fenomenal Funds es una colaborativa de financiadores feministas que utiliza un modelo de gobernanza compartida y financiamiento participativo para apoyar la capacidad de resiliencia de los fondos de mujeres miembros de la Red Internacional de Fondos de Mujeres Prospera.


2023-09-17 Sin comentarios

Aprendizaje Colaborativo sobre Movilización de Recursos

El propósito de esta colaboración, conformada por seis fondos, es abordar la falta de mecanismos para la construcción de ecosistemas de financiamiento sostenible entre los fondos de mujeres. La meta es fortalecer sus estrategias de crecimiento a través de mentorías, espacios de aprendizaje y compromiso significativo dentro de la comunidad de fondos de mujeres.

2023-09-10 Sin comentarios

Base de Datos de Fondos Feministas: Grupo Emergente 

A medida que crecen los fondos feministas y de mujeres, aumenta su necesidad de recopilar y gestionar datos de forma sistemática, superando el uso de herramientas como Excel. La herramienta Salesforce ofrece el potencial, pero se necesita de esfuerzo, tiempo y un cambio cultural dentro de las organizaciones. Esta colaboración tiene como propósito proveer soporte técnico y de colaboración en la implementación de Salesforce durante los procesos de financiación. 

2023-05-18 Sin comentarios

Los cuatro objetivos

So what does it mean to catalyze change in an ecosystem? When the board of the Hewlett Foundation invited their Global and Development team (since renamed to Gender Equity and Governance) to submit a concept for a special initiative, they joined forces with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to commission research to inform the […]

2023-04-12 Sin comentarios

Descolonizar el conocimiento en la filantropía

By Shama Dossa What does it mean to use power-building and feminist approaches to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) in philanthropy?   This is the question we Shama Dossa, [Fenomenal Funds] and fellow feminist practitioners Clara Desalvo [FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund], Boikanyo Modungwa [Purposeful], and Ramatu Bangura [CRIF]) posed to funders at the […]

2023-03-08 Sin comentarios

2022: Un año viviendo nuestros valores

Fenomenal Funds is a feminist funder collaborative that aims to strengthen the resilience and visibility of women’s funds members of the Prospera International Network of Women’s Funds (Prospera INWF). Fenomenal Funds is predicated on the recognition that, while feminist movements across the globe continue to make gains in challenging the norms, systems, and structures of […]

2022-12-16 Sin comentarios

Fenomenal Funds concede $5,2 millones de dólares en subvenciones para reforzar el ecosistema de financiación feminista

Fenomenal Funds is pleased to announce the award of $5,247,744 to 13 collaboration groups formed by 37 women’s funds members of the Prospera International Network of Womenʼs Funds. The Collaboration Grants support women’s funds to form deeper connections and stronger partnerships with each other. As they work to co-create solutions, they harness the community’s collective power, wisdom, and creativity to reimagine practices, […]

2022-07-20 1 Comment

Lessons in Real Time

Drawing on Emergent Learning in Feminist Philanthropy by Shama Dossa When I joined Fenomenal Funds (FF) last year in September 2022 as Feminist Manager Learning and Evaluation I was excited to be tasked with the challenge of how to put together a learning agenda for this unique initiative through a participatory process. FF had already […]

2021-12-09 Sin comentarios

Hacia un ecosistema de financiación feminista

Over the last decade, the Association of Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) convened a series of discussions around funding for the feminist movement. Through analysis and discussion, they developed and refined the concept of a funding ecosystem that emerged from a vision of funding aligned to the principles and values of feminist movements.  In Toward […]

2021-12-09 Sin comentarios

¿Dónde está el dinero para la organización feminista?

In order to make feminist futures a reality, the feminist movement needs to be relentless in the struggle for women’s rights. Smashing the patriarchy requires systemic change, which takes time and resources. Yet data from the Association of Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) shows that just a trickle of funding allocated to gender equality reaches […]

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